More than 200 members of the Florida Engineering Society (FES) and the American Council of Engineering Companies of Florida (ACEC Florida) gathered at the Florida Capitol on January 10, 2024, as a part of Professional Engineers Days, to meet with state lawmakers as they consider legislation that directly impacts the state’s engineering industry.
The group included 40 members of the Florida Engineering Leadership Institute (FELI) Class of 2024. FELI is a leadership program that puts training into practice and was created to transition engineering professionals into community professionals and leaders within our societies, communities, and workplaces. The program consists of six sessions held in key cities throughout Florida, and the third session coincided with Professional Engineers Legislative Days in Tallahassee.
Joined by 10 PE’s in training from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), the FES and ACEC Florida members attended over 90 meetings with legislators and legislative staff to discuss issues ranging from transportation and water resources to infrastructure. Our members shared their thoughts on proposed legislation for this year’s Session.
The day concluded with an evening reception in the Old Capitol Museum, with many Florida House and Senate legislators attending, followed by a social hosted by the FES Big Bend Chapter at Harry’s Seafood Bar and Grille.
This annual event is a vital component of the FES and ACEC Florida legislative program, and the leadership and staff of both organizations sincerely appreciate the efforts of those members who participated this year.
We encourage our members to take an active role in the legislative process by joining us for our weekly calls legislative update calls. Once the Session has concluded, we hope members will take the opportunity to schedule appointments with legislators in their district offices.
For more information about our grassroots advocacy initiatives, please contact Laura Heiselman, Director of Government and Political Affairs.