FES connects engineers from all disciplines across the Sunshine State. Members have the opportunity for growth and professional development by working with professionals in a number of issue-specific committees.
FES Committees Have Something for Everyone
The Education Committee shall be responsible for the planning, promoting, and administering activities supporting engineering education.
The Education Committee is comprised of the Chairs of the following subcommittees:
K-12 Subcommittee: The K-12 Subcommittee shall promote the engineering profession to students in grades K-12. Members of the committee are asked to form relationships with contacts in the local school system, provide volunteers with presentation materials/tools, and develop/lead the local K-12 Committee.
MATHCOUNTS Subcommittee: The MATHCOUNTS® Subcommittee shall plan, promote, and organize the annual MATHCOUNTS Competition.
Scholarship Subcommittee: The Scholarship Subcommittee shall be concerned with the administration, promotion, evaluation, and nomination of scholarships. Members of the committee are asked to solicit nominees by working with local schools, issuing press releases, and scoring applications to determine recipients.
Student Professional Development Subcommittee: The Student Professional Development Subcommittee shall be concerned with establishing and operating student chapters. Members of the committee act as a liaison between the student and the parent chapter and maintain contact with students and the faculty advisor.
Chair:Â David M. Schmitt, PE
Subcommittee Chairs:
K-12:Â Sybille Bayard, PE
MATHCOUNTS: Jamie Graham, PE | Benjamin Pernezny, PE
Scholarship: Scott Weeks, PE | Charles Wu, PE
Student Professional Development:Â Greg Stevens, PE
The Interest Groups Committee shall evaluate engineering matters that affect the public and the profession. When appropriate, the committee shall make recommendations to the Commission on Government and Legislative Affairs on issues pertaining to the practice of engineering. This committee shall also review presentations and seminars and determine if they meet the requirements for continuing education credits. Sub-committees are open to all FES members to join.
The Interest Group Committee is comprised of the Chairs of the following committees/subcommittees:
Aviation and Maritime Committee: The Aviation and Maritime Committee shall be concerned with aviation and seaport matters that affect the public and the profession. Members of the committee are asked to make recommendations to the Commission on Government and Legislative Affairs on legislative issues dealing with the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of airports and seaports. This is a joint committee with ACEC Florida.
Transportation Subcommittee: The Transportation Subcommittee shall be concerned with PD&E / planning of roadway projects, design considerations, contracting methods, plan production, specifications, and highway structural matters that affect the public and the profession. Members of the committee are asked to make recommendations to the Commission on Government and Legislative Affairs on legislative issues dealing with roadway and highway planning, design, construction, and maintenance services.
Environmental and Water Resources Subcommittee: The Environmental and Water Resources Subcommittee shall be concerned with all engineering specialties related to managing water, treating water, distributing water, storing water, and disposing of water that affects the public and the profession. Members of the committee are asked to make recommendations to the Commission on Government and Legislative Affairs on legislative issues dealing with water-related services.
Chair:Â Doug Barkley, MS, PE, SI
Subcommittee Chairs:
Aviation and Maritime: Joseph Sawmiller, PE, FES Chair; Greg Heaton, PE, ACEC Florida Chair
Will Bowdoin, PE, Airport Chair; Mark Valenti, PE;Â Seaport Chair (Joint with ACEC Florida)
Transportation:Â Eliot L. Brown, PE
Environmental and Water Resources:Â Robert W. Higgins, PE
The Society Development Committee shall be responsible for the planning, promotion, and administration of activities that advocate licensure, promote the ethical and competent practice of engineering, enhance the image and well-being of all engineers in the State of Florida, and further the public’s knowledge and understanding of the importance of the profession.
The Society Development Committee is comprised of the Chairs of the following subcommittees:
Annual Conference Subcommittee: The Annual Conference Steering Committee shall be responsible for planning, promoting, and conducting the annual conference. Members of the committee are asked to select a site for the conference, plan the agenda, and select speakers.
Awards Subcommittee: The Awards Subcommittee shall be responsible for the establishment of criteria for FES awards. Members of the committee are asked to solicit nominees, score applications, and make recommendations to the Board of Directors for winners.
International Collaboration Subcommittee: The International Collaboration Subcommittee shall be concerned with developing professional and technical collaboration opportunities with professional organizations outside of the United States. Members of the committee are asked to establish a seminar schedule at least one year out, review evaluations from the previous year, and assist with planning, to select speakers, and organizing seminars and collaboration opportunities.
Leadership Advisory Subcommittee: The Leadership Advisory Subcommittee shall study and make recommendations to the FES Board of Directors concerning the organization, management, activities, and procedures of chapters, including new chapters and reorganization of existing chapters and provide guidance, assistance, and encouragement to chapter officers and committees in establishing and conducting activities, programs, and projects to serve the needs of the chapter members and the public which they operate.
Membership Development Subcommittee: The Membership Development Subcommittee shall be concerned with increasing and retaining membership in the society. Members of the committee are asked to distribute the monthly roster to officers and members, update chapters about current membership projects, and display membership information meetings and events.
Public Relations Subcommittee: The Public Relations Subcommittee shall study, develop, and make recommendations to the FES Board for projects, programs, and activities to be undertaken to increase the public’s knowledge and image of the engineering profession.
Chair:Â Peter Moore, PE, LEED AP
Subcommittee Chairs:
Annual Conference:Â Ryan Blaida, PE / Ted Speas, PE
Awards:Â Mark Fuller, PE
International Collaboration:Â Carlos Penin, PE / Eric Jimenez, PE
Leadership Advisory:Â Robert Trompke, PE / Victor Herrera, PE
Membership Development:Â Will Cornelius, PE / Chris LaForte, PE
Public Relations:Â David Cowan, PE
The Commission on Legislative & Government Relations is responsible for drafting and seeking introduction of and developing support for the passage of legislation or the adoption of rules that impact the health, safety, and welfare of the public or affect the engineering profession.
The purpose of the commission is to provide the Florida Engineering Society and the American Council of Engineering Companies of Florida with maximum participation in and proper coordination of its legislative and government relations program.
The commission is composed of the FES President, ACEC Florida President, seven (7) FES Vice Presidents or their designee, seven (7) ACEC Florida Regional Directors or their designee, an At-Large Chair, and up to two (2) At-Large Members as necessary to fill critical informational gaps, as needed. Committee membership is by invitation only.