A “One Stop Shop” for Engineers in Florida

The Florida Engineering Society’s Annual Directory & Guide is your “one stop shop” for FES information. Available for FES members only, it is the only location where member contact information is published. It is also a quick reference to see FES staff, current Board members, and committee chairs and includes photographs and contact information. It includes charts and lists of organizational structure, committee rosters, geographical chapter limits, and regional maps.

The Annual Directory & Guide makes it easy to share our networking opportunities, career and leadership development resources, community involvement projects, and outreach programs. Additional information is included on FES charter, bylaws, and administrative policies, our awards and scholarships programs.

Directories are now available exclusively in digital format. A digital directory gives are members better access, convenience and is more sustainable for the environment. Hard copies are available for members who prefer a printed directory for $65. (Digital directories are included with your FES membership.) If you would like a printed copy, visit our online store or download the order form.

You must be logged into your account in order to access the digital directory and order printed copies.