New Strict Nutrient Reduction Requirements
By Susan Roeder Martin – Nason, Yeager, Gerson, Harris, and Fumero
During the 2024 legislative session, the Florida Legislature ratified strict new water quality rules. These rules were adopted in 2022, by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). These are the most significant rules pertaining to improvements in stormwater quality in DEP’s history and the most protective rules in the nation on stormwater quality.
Legislative Update Calls
The future of engineering is impacted by decisions made by elected officials. State and federal laws and regulations impact day-to-day operations. The Florida Engineering Society (FES) is the leading advocate for Florida’s engineering community and is working hard to pursue the industry’s interests in Tallahassee.
With nearly 1,000 people moving to Florida every day, preparing Florida’s infrastructure for smart growth and development is essential. FES is focused on creating long-term investments in Florida’s energy, water, transportation, environmental and vertical structures.
We invite our members to participate in weekly Legislative Update calls via Microsoft Teams that will be held each Friday morning and concluding at the end of the Legislative Session. The environmental bill update call starts at 9:00 am and the general bills update starts at 10:00 am.
You do not have to register for these calls in advance. Please see our Community Calendar for the Microsoft Teams links.