Mandatory CE Reporting for Professional Engineers

In order to renew their licenses, Professional Engineers (PEs) in Florida are required to complete 18 continuing education (CE) course hours every two years. Professional Engineers must report their continuing education using the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) Free Tracking System.

Out of the 18 required hours, one hour must cover Florida laws and rules for Professional Engineers from a Board-approved provider, and one hour must focus on professional ethics. Four hours should be specific to the engineer’s area of practice, while the remaining twelve hours can pertain to any topic relevant to the practice of engineering.

Professional Engineers whose practice includes the design of engineering works or systems in connection with buildings, structures, or facilities and systems covered by the Florida Building Code, must also complete an Advanced Building Code course prior to participating in the design of engineering projects covered by the code.

The CE provider will directly report ONLY the Florida laws and rules course. It is the only course that will be listed in your account on Department of Business and Professional Regulation’s website at

Professional Engineers are responsible for reporting the remaining 17 hours through the NCEES Tracking system. The Florida Board of Professional Engineers (FBPE) has step-by-step online instructions to help PEs set up their free NCEES account and directions on uploading CE documentation.

If you have been issued one certificate for multiple CE credits, you will need to input each course separately, but you only have to upload the certificate once. See FBPE’s Tips for Reporting Multiple CE Credits With One Certificate.

You can download certificates for courses earned through FES|ACEC Florida using your Member Profile. Currently, all certificates are located in your FES Member Profile (not in your ACEC Florida Member Profile).

Once you log in to your FES Member Profile, click on Welcome —> Account & Settings —> Professional Development. If you need assistance downloading certificates from your Member Profile, please email us at

Once you have earned all 18 required hours, you can report your CEs to FBPE using the NCEES Tracking System. PEs should not send their CE credits directly to FBPE. For more information on licensure renewal, please contact the Florida Board of Professional Engineers at 850-521-0500 or visit

The current renewal period for Professional Engineers licensed in Florida opens on November 5, 2024, and the deadline is February 28, 2025.
Continuing Education Requirements for Professional Engineers
Continuing Education TypeHours RequiredRequires FBPE Approved Provider/Number & Course/Number?Requires Test?Requires Certificate?
Laws and Rules1YesYesYes
Advanced Building Code (ABC)1*YesNoYes
Area of Practice4NoNoYes
Practice of Engineering12No**NoYes

*ABC Course can be used towards Area of Practice Requirements
**Per Statutes and Rules, up to 4 hours may be earned serving as an officer or actively participating on a committee of a board-recognized professional or technical engineering society. Documentation in relation to your service hours is accounted for differently by each organization and you should discuss this with the respective organization and FBPE directly.

  • Successfully completing an FBPE approved laws & rules course from an FBPE approved CE provider,
  • Serving on the Florida Board of Professional Engineers,
  • Serving as a consultant engineer used by the Board in the resolution of Board business, including rule-making and prosecution of discipline cases and complaints, or
  • Serving as a member of the Legislature or as an elected state or local official.
  • Successfully completing an FBPE approved ethics course from an FBPE approved CE provider,
  • Serving on the Florida Board of Professional Engineers, or
  • Serving as a member of the Legislature or as an elected state or local official.
  • You are required to take an Advanced Building Code course on the latest edition of the Florida Building Code (FBC) before you engage in the practice of engineering if your work is governed by the FBC, including if your area of practice includes compliance with ADA requirements and/or any other aspects governed by the FBC. The 8th Edition (2023) Florida Building Code goes into effect December 31, 2023. –  Additional Information.
  • Successfully completing an “Advanced” Florida Building Code course approved by the FBPE within the disciplines of civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, or general engineering; or
  • Presenting or attending seminars, in-house or non-classroom courses, workshops, or professional or technical presentations made at meetings, webinars, conventions, or conferences, including those presented by vendors, provided the vendor is an FBPE-approved CE provider.
  • Up to 4 hours may be earned by serving as an officer or actively participating on a committee of a board-recognized professional or technical engineering society.

You can count on FES to help you sort through the requirements and find the courses right for you. Visit our Continuing Education calendar to find a number of affordable programs and products that allow you to grow your technical expertise, improve your leadership skills, and help keep your career on track.