Are You an Engineer Engaged in the Construction Field?

The Florida Engineers in Construction (FECON) is one of the five practice sections of the Florida Engineering Society representing those members who are engaged in construction or design/construction, or an FES member whose interest is primarily in the construction field. FECON provides:

  • An effective forum for discussion and action on problems of common interest to engineers employed or engaged in construction or in design construction.
  • An opportunity to strengthen the role of the engineer in construction.
  • A way to promote better engineer-construction management relationships.
  • An opportunity to augment your firm’s business development initiatives.

Means of communication and liaison with engineers in other practice sections of FES and with other similar state sections.


FECON Administrative Committee
  • Francisco Cruz, PE, Chair
  • Vienna Freeman, Vice-Chair
  • Ann McNeill, Secretary
  • Rafael Jimenez, PE, Treasurer
FECON Individual Excellence Award
Apply for a FECON Scholarship