Are You an Engineer Engaged in the Teaching, Research or Administration in the Education Field?

The Florida Engineers in Education (FEE) is one of the five practice sections of the Florida Engineering Society representing those members who are engaged in teaching, research, or administration in the field of education. Any member of FES may participate in the activities of this section subject to the FEE Rules of Government and Operations.

The objectives of the section are to provide for professional engineers in education a forum for effective discussion, exploration, and analysis, and provide for FES a vehicle for obtaining advice by professional engineers in education with respect to:

  • Improvement of undergraduate, graduate, continuing education, and technician programs for accomplishing the engineering effort of our nation.
  • Stimulation of professional concepts, including registration among engineering educators and students.
  • Cooperation with the American Society for Engineering Education, the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology and other engineering societies in matters affecting educational policies and practices.
  • Promotion of an atmosphere for engineering educators conducive to the highest quality of engineering education.


FEE Administrative Committee
  • Jeffrey Greenfield, Ph.D., PE, Chair
  • Matthew Trussoni, Ph.D., AIA, PE, Vice Chair
  • Sidney Martin, Ph.D., PE, Treasurer
  • Carlos M. Chang, Ph.D., PE, Secretary
  • Osama Jadaan, Ph.D., Member at Large
  • Michelle Roddenberry, Ph.D., PE, Member at Large
  • Amanda Hudson, Staff Liaison
Apply for a FEE Scholarship