A Message From FES President Dr. Charles Davis
Greetings to all!
As I reflect on the Thanksgiving holiday, I want to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude to the incredible staff and members of the Florida Engineering Society. Your dedication, expertise, and passion for our profession continue to make significant contributions towards engaging younger engineers to join our membership, educating our elected officials on the risks and challenges facing our profession, and maturing our relationships with other professional societies of our industry.
During this season of gratitude, I also want to extend my deepest appreciation to each and every member of the Florida Engineering Society. Thank you for your unwavering dedication to advancing the field of engineering, the study of Math and Sciences, your commitment to the betterment of society, inspiring future generations of engineers, and, most importantly, your support as I continue to navigate the challenges of my term as your president.
May the upcoming holidays be filled with joy, warmth, and the knowledge that your contributions are deeply valued and appreciated.
With heartfelt thanks,
Charles W. Davis, Ph.D., SSGB | Associate Professor
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University | davisc14@erau.edu